
How to achieve your goals with

Karsten Wysk

Living a good life is actually pretty hard to do.

You need to know what makes you happy.  You need to balance different needs: from your job/career/business to your private life to your physical & mental health. 

Even if you figure out what makes you happy and set yourself goals to achieve them you need to know how to achieve them. What exactly do you have to do today, tomorrow, next week to start your journey? This can be especially hard if you don’t have role models around you who have done before what you want to do now. And even when you finally figured out how to start your journey you still need to stay organized & motivated to actually get it all done. 

Of course you can get yourself a paid coach and/or mentor to discuss your life goals and help you reach those - but most people don’t have the thousands of USD/EUR per month needed to do something like this. Alternatively you can read articles & blogs on the internet and watch millions of videos on YouTube - but these are often not very actionable. They are interesting but they don’t really help you to get into action. 

In addition a thousand different project management tools out there promise to help you get things done - but most of them have the problem that they are literally “empty” or just have very general templates. They require you to fill in all the tasks you want to do to achieve your goals.

It seems what you really need is a fully integrated solution which includes both the specific steps you need to do to achieve your goals and a fully pre-configured tool to  get a complex project all done in an efficient and organized way. 

Interestingly there are already some digital solutions like this in other niches - for example health & fitness trackers or language learning apps like Duolingo. To take the fitness example: You can set your goals (e.g. reduce weight), the app recommends you specific steps to get there (e.g. train with these routines 3 times a week) and the app typically helps you stay motivated with gamification (e.g. achievements) and/or social features (e.g. compare your results with your friends). It seems that this approach works really well but unfortunately something like this does not exist yet for your full life - until now :) 

Introducing - level up your life!

Alldone helps you to achieve your goals in life with:

  • Guides: Actionable step-by-step guides to reach your goals carefully curated by experts. 
  • App: You don’t just get a PDF telling you what to do - leverage a full productivity app with everything pre-filled & ready to go so you can actually get it all done.
  • Community: Choose to do things together with the guide creators, your partner, your team or other people like you.

So how exactly does this work? Let’s look at this together!

  • 1/ Set your goals: What do you want to achieve?
  • 2/ Plan your path to reach the goals: When do you do which steps?
  • 3/ Execute the plan: Do it & stay motivated

1/ Set your goals

We believe that you have to differentiate between project goals (=what you want to achieve within something you work on) and your personal goals - i.e. the skills & abilities as a person. 

Project Goals

This is probably what most people think about when they want to upgrade their life. An example for this is "Becoming a medical doctor in Germany" for example. You can formulate your goals as outcome-driven (e.g. OKRs) or just write down what you want to achieve. Both options are possible with 

However to really get happy in life in the long term we recommend to not only look at project goals but to look broader at your life and also consider your personal skills & abilities. Please also note that the projects you are working on will impact your outcome on this personal level. In the end you are what you do. So make sure you select work and private projects which contribute well to these dimensions. 

Skills / Abilities

This will be different for everybody but a person is complex and there are lots of different dimensions to consider when you look at how you want to to grow as a person in terms of your skills & abilities. For example:

Personal skills: 

  • (Romantic) Relationship: How well does your romantic relationships work?
  • Friends / Social / Community: How well integrated are you socially? 
  • Adventure / Entertainment / Fun / Hobbies: How much fun do you have? 
  • Physical Health: How well are you physically?
  • Mental Health: How good is your mental health? 

Professional skills: 

  • Professional Skills / Knowledge: How well can you do the job? 
  • Management / Leadership: How well can you lead others? 
  • Audience / Fame / Network / Influence: How much reach do you have? 
  • Meaning: How much do you solve a meaningful problem with a positive impact on the world? 
  • Money / Wealth: How much money do you make? 

How you value each of those will be different for everybody and we recommend making this explicit. For example if you only focus on Money/Wealth you may neglect other important parts of your life which may make you unhappy in the long term. So we recommend making a list of the abilities important to you and making a decision on how much effort you want to invest in each of them. 

In addition - when you work in a company you will likely have to zoom into some of these points and have dedicated skills you need to upgrade to get promoted, e.g. here is an example for a Product Manager who may be working at a big consulting firm. In Alldone you can easily create these skills for each project so you can keep track of those. 

2/ Plan your path to reach your goals

As written above in the introduction of this article, we know it is hard to actually turn a lofty ambition into specific things to do with good milestones in between.

That’s why Alldone offers Alldone guides which are created by people who just went through the same process before and therefore know exactly what to do to make it happen.

With the guides you get a list of carefully curated tasks you need to do in the right order with a detailed description and potentially further links to more information. These tasks are pre-filled in with nice in-between goals & milestones defined. This way you can leverage the full power of Alldone and put the tasks on a timeline and/or assign them to your partner or other people in your team. 

In addition you can choose to join a project together with the creator and other people in the same situation. Everybody has their own task list of things to do but you can discuss those tasks and ask questions if you have any. 

Check out our guides and creators here: 

Alternatively you can of course use the same system and make your own plans. Just add any goals & tasks you like and put them on a timeline. If it works please consider publishing it for the community as a guide. Please reach out to me if you are interested :) 

3/ Execute the plan

Once you have the plan, you still need to execute it properly. In everyday life you likely survive without a project management tool but if you want to do life-changing things with lots of tasks in the right order you likely need some additional support: 

Stay organized: leverage the proven Alldone system to remain calm, focused & never forget anything again. Put the hundreds of tasks on a timeline so you don’t get overwhelmed with all the things to do. Simply check off what’s done. Do meeting notes directly in the same tool and collaborate easily with your partner and others. With you have everything all-in-one so you don’t need 1000 tools to get it done. All super easy to use.

Stay motivated: Develop healthy habits with achievements, streaks and rewards for empty inbox every day. Alldone is built with gamification in mind to keep you engaged while pursuing your goals. 

Stay on track: Analyze how you spend your time and which skills you grow based on your actual tasks. So you will see what you actually spend your time on, what makes you happy and if that helps you reach your goals

With all of these things together we hope that the app will help you execute effortlessly - please check out for more information. 

So as you can see Alldone can help you to achieve your goals with guides for your goals, an app helping you to execute it properly and by giving you the option to do it together with a community of like minded people. 

We recommend to start with the one project you have in mind right now and if you like it you can continue to use it and improve your life holistically and systematically overall. Don’t leave having a good life to chance. Actively work on it and Alldone gives you everything you need to get it all done :) 

Check out  how Alldone can help you achieve this goal
Karsten Wysk

Start following your dreams

Stop procrastinating. Level up your life with Alldone.