AI Assistant

David Data Scientist

Our AI Data Scientist can make sense out of your data.

You ca ask him to do anything but he is especially good at these tasks:

  • Find patterns & trends in data
  • Analyze the correlation between different things, e.g. between marketing spend and revenue growth for the last 4 quarters

I am sure you will have more ideas what to ask David to analyze.

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Choose a goal to use this AI Assistant in Alldone

Or if you have ChatGPT Plus you can also use it there

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Actionable step-by-step tasks with milestones and notes with tips & tricks
Get more productive with our AI assistants in your team
Get advice, support or even let the AI assistants do some of the work for you

What's the benefit of having this AI Assistant integrated in Alldone?

Always available with only one click

Sometimes you just need to ask a quick question and then it is important to get quick & easy access. Our AI Assistants are available for you with one click on the top right and they give you access to the knowledge of the whole internet. Just ask :)

Ask directly in context

When you have a question it can be annoying to explain the whole background to ChatGPT. Our AI Assistants are like a coworker who has been part of the team already for a longer time. They know  your context and can therefore help you much better & faster. Just shoot your question and they will directly know what you are talking about.

Save your favorite prompts

Just like in real life: If you don't ask the right questions, you won't get the right answers. Therefore saving the right prompts is important to get the most out of working with AI. Alldone makes it super easy to save & access your favorite prompts for each project and AI Assistant.